Saturday, August 31, 2002

James Nolon McCamey


Michelle Suzanne Masefield

Are pleased to announce the engagement of...


To each other.

The event happened on the 30th August 2002 at 4:00pm Canadian Pacific Time on the Terra Nova Banks, Lulu Island.

The happy couple are overjoyed!

Lots of Love Mich and James

Thursday, August 08, 2002

Last Monday, 5th August (also known as BC Day), James and Michelle's adventure took a Lord of the Rings turn (for a change). The local Future Shop had a free DVD release party with a huge 500 person tent, screening of the film, free food, Xbox stuff and pictures with some real LOTR characters. A nice time was had by all (both of us), the film was great as per usual (yes, it does get better after seeing it 5 times), but the highlight must have been meeting Ian McKellen, Elijah Wood and Orlando Bloom. They were so down to earth and friendly, you could feel the love flowing from them. Never again will i diss a movie star, they have proved to me that you can be on the cover of Teen Party magazine and still have a brain. Anyway, we were lucky enough to get a photo with the guys, this one will be enlarged and put on the wall forever.

In other news, we are both now fruitpicking and loving it.

Saturday, August 03, 2002

Michelle is selling homewares.

James is blueberry picking.

Hope to visit Grand Rapids MI, Fayetteville AR and Omaha NE in October.

There is no special significance of the ham.

Have a nice day.

James, a man of many words.