Wednesday, November 06, 2002

fayetteville AR- Monday27th October. University of Arkansas campus. The mission- to get a photo of Danny's name engraved in the side walk. The obstacle-police and heaps of security. We suspected the worst when we arrived for a day trip to the university. Police lines everywhere, Cops on every corner and roof top. And it turns out James' dad's name was right in the middle of it all. Upon querying one of the policeman it turns out Billy Bob Clinton was in town dedicating a statue. The worst part was he had parked his car over where we wanted to to go!!!!! Oh well. we got to see him anyways and got the photo we wanted.

Memphis TN- Home of the blues, Birthplace of Rock 'n'Roll... This is a music lovers mecca. Forget Seattle and Grunge. This is where it all started. with the blues originating in the nearby cotton fields and brought to the world by local musos such as Carl Perkins (he of the original Blue Suede Shoes )Johnny Cash and of course Elvis Presley. We started the tour by visiting nearby Beale St where WC Handy penned one of the first blues songs. This place buzzes. It has a seedy atmosphere but is rich in history. (Music and Civil Rights). Then on to Graceland-home of Elvis. Considering the decor was late 70's it was a very impressive museum and tribute to his achievements. Hey we even startred humming his music after we left. Then to Memphis Zoo, which was awesome. Checked out the memorial to Jeff Buckley (Sumatran Tigers exhibit). Apparently he spent hours in the butterfly exhibit (psycho) but this was closed for the season. We also found out where he died at the Wolf River.
We then toured Sun studio. This is where Elvis recorded his first song (My Happiness) and first hit- Its All Right. Although its only a two room museum, the studio is still as it was in the 1950's and has an eerie quality to it. U2 and REM have all recorded here as well. We were impressed.

Memphis is a must for anyone travelling to the south of the US. We had a ball. then back to Arkansas where we blew a tyre out in a construction zone. We got back on the road asap.

For the latter part of the trip we hung out with family. Had a Halloween in Fayetteville and left on the 1st November. Had a great time.Back in Vancouver which felt like going back home and left there on te 3rd November for Sydney .

Au Revoir le Canada de serons de retour.