Monday, December 31, 2007

Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe

Some photos for those that missed the show - Michelle was Jadis. Once again, her character died.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Musings

So today is Christmas day... and it started sadly- our fish Paikea died- I suspect from Swim Bladder Disease.He just couldn't breathe anymore and he eventually became a belly slider. He was a very cool fighting fish and he will be missed.

James is sick with the flu and I have the sniffles. Just finished The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe. Awesome run of sold out shows. Will be auditioning for The Miracle Worker next week ( story of Helen Keller). Also looking to other theatres for other shows.

Looking forward to a fabulous 2008. 2007 has been fantastic ( apart from Paikea's death).

Thursday, December 20, 2007

eBay Holiday Party

Holiday Party! At the U of U, great venue, views over downtown and the Salt Lake valley on one side, and of the football field on the other. Good food, drinks and conversations. Here's some fun pics.

Lynette grooving:
Tina smiling:
Michelle and Erin talking shop:
Matt and Mandy, our soon to be neighbours(ish):
And since no one took a photo of me, here's a nice view of my chin (look I'm wearing a tie). I believe that is Michelle's nostril in the corner.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Iron and Wine

Iron & Wine, supported by Arthur and Yu
Venue: The Great Salt Air, Magna, Utah
Date: December 7th, 2007
Pretty good show, he had a rough voice, but really it was hard to tell with this kind of music. The snow storm that came in during the show made for an interesting drive home (20mph in the 75 zone), but good night overall. 

Saturday, December 01, 2007

San Jose

Quick 4 day trip to San Jose. Did some work here:

Then drove up here:

Visited Licks Observatory's, however it was a little cold and foggy, so no photos. I did see this nice tree:
Then returned home to my Jetta. There was no snow when i left Salt Lake!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Silverchair @ In The Venue

Thanks to the Daniel Johns show... err Silverchair for the show last night. Lots of old songs, not many new songs, but a fun night nonetheless! Amusing facts - you can get big arse beers in Utah, but only one, UNLESS you buy one, then put the drink on a table then immediately line up again. Also, if you happen to see a drum key on stage, please let the support band know. They lost it (after asking the audience for one).

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

See Michelle starring in her first lead performance as Jadis! Click here for more details and tickets.

A strong cast, a timeless message, and a Black Box Theatre with heart are the weapons The Phoenix Theatre Company will draw upon for their holiday production of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe opening Nov. 30 and running through Dec. 22, 2007.

This beautiful story filled with magical, mythological creatures unfolds against the backdrop of the mystical frozen land beautifully depicted in the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. This original script is an adaptation for The Phoenix stage by Academy Founder/Director Collin Kreuzer.

This production promises to be a spectacular alternative to the other traditional holiday gems playing throughout the Salt Lake Valley. In keeping with The Academy of Performing Arts tradition, this production boasts a strong ensemble, showcasing the talents of skilled actors from children to adult, amateurs as well as professionals, all passionate about their work. Veterans of APA and many talented new artists join together in bringing the Land of Narnia to The Phoenix Theatre stage.

Creative mastery in costume design by Lady Ellen is a hallmark of all of APA’s productions. Collin Kreuzer and Richard Bowman share the challenging portrayal of the great lion Aslan, son of the Emperor Beyond the Sea. Michelle Masefield and Brighton Sloan share the role of the wickedly treacherous white witch Jadis. Tye Hoage, Miquelle Davies, Kayla Armstrong and Christian Anderson explore their roles as the inquisitive Pevensie family whose curiosity leads them to discover a magical Wardrobe. Aaron Cartwright and Ramona Boone will bring two distinctively original interpretations to the delightedly playful and tea drinking kidnapper Faun Tumnus.

WAMU Christmas Party

Thanks to the WAMU crowd. It was the best xmas party i think i've ever been to! Kids museum = lots of things that make noise and go whirrrrl, and a persistent nappy smell.

Saturday, November 03, 2007


Nice walk up the hill this morning. Just wanted to see what was on top.

View Larger Map

Supposedly there are bears up here. I didn't see any thankfully.

One of the side effects of living in Canada in the past is this compulsion to put rocks on top of one another. I built this.

If you look closely, you can see the car park.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Vancouver Wet & Arkansas Visitors

Work & pleasure trip to Vancouver last week. Nice being wet again after a long hot dry Utah summer. That said, just a few hours of sunshine wouldn't hurt would it now Canada? Had a rather nice room in the Pan Pacific, pretty ok view :) Caught up with friends, who i think are now old friends since i've known them for 4 years! Next trip for us is either Quebec City, Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon. Who knows. Now, on to a snowy Utah winter.

The week before Vancouver, Sheryl & Gary dropped by on their way to Vegas, doing the cross country RV thing. Nice to see them again!

Saturday, September 29, 2007


oooo aaaa what a night! Pumpkins were in fine form last night at the David McKay Center-Orem A show we nearly ditched due a conflict with another band we love- Black Mountain- turned out to be the best reason to head to Utah County. WOW. Felt like I was a youngster again... especially when they played Drown. Glory days hahahaha

Orem is in Utah county- the most conservative locale in the US. Felt like an extra in the movie Footloose. Youngsters who looked about 14 already married and with kiddies on the way. Strange place. No dancing you hear!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Karen's Hen's Night & Wedding (to Dave!)

Managed to catch up with nearly everyone on the recent trip to Sydney for Kazza and Davo's wedding. Including:


The Masefield family:

The Bridesmaids:

The angel wife:

The Nieces:

And of course, the married couple!

Whilst not pictured here, we also had the priveledge of seeing the Wiezels and the Lances and the McCameys and the Whipps. Thanks all, and see you all again soon.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Darren Hanlon

Thanks to one Darren Hanlon for dropping by Salt Lake City, playing a gig at Slowtrain Records. Must've been around 30 people in there, donation only (no cover), and a great time! Even had very cool pyro-technics and smoke coming from the amp - who knew fire and electricity would make for such fun? Two things struck me about the show:

1/ music is still cool, perhaps even better when play at small gigs
2/ i miss t-shirts

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Zions National Park, Las Vegas and Clint & Kelly's Wedding

Sheryl flew into Salt Lake and we drove to Vegas for Clint & Kelly's wedding, stopping by Zions on the way. Great weekend!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Arches & Canyonlands

Here's some pics from our trip to Arches & Canyonlands National Parks in South-East Utah. This was early July.