Saturday, September 29, 2007


oooo aaaa what a night! Pumpkins were in fine form last night at the David McKay Center-Orem A show we nearly ditched due a conflict with another band we love- Black Mountain- turned out to be the best reason to head to Utah County. WOW. Felt like I was a youngster again... especially when they played Drown. Glory days hahahaha

Orem is in Utah county- the most conservative locale in the US. Felt like an extra in the movie Footloose. Youngsters who looked about 14 already married and with kiddies on the way. Strange place. No dancing you hear!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Karen's Hen's Night & Wedding (to Dave!)

Managed to catch up with nearly everyone on the recent trip to Sydney for Kazza and Davo's wedding. Including:


The Masefield family:

The Bridesmaids:

The angel wife:

The Nieces:

And of course, the married couple!

Whilst not pictured here, we also had the priveledge of seeing the Wiezels and the Lances and the McCameys and the Whipps. Thanks all, and see you all again soon.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Darren Hanlon

Thanks to one Darren Hanlon for dropping by Salt Lake City, playing a gig at Slowtrain Records. Must've been around 30 people in there, donation only (no cover), and a great time! Even had very cool pyro-technics and smoke coming from the amp - who knew fire and electricity would make for such fun? Two things struck me about the show:

1/ music is still cool, perhaps even better when play at small gigs
2/ i miss t-shirts