Monday, December 31, 2007

Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe

Some photos for those that missed the show - Michelle was Jadis. Once again, her character died.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Musings

So today is Christmas day... and it started sadly- our fish Paikea died- I suspect from Swim Bladder Disease.He just couldn't breathe anymore and he eventually became a belly slider. He was a very cool fighting fish and he will be missed.

James is sick with the flu and I have the sniffles. Just finished The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe. Awesome run of sold out shows. Will be auditioning for The Miracle Worker next week ( story of Helen Keller). Also looking to other theatres for other shows.

Looking forward to a fabulous 2008. 2007 has been fantastic ( apart from Paikea's death).

Thursday, December 20, 2007

eBay Holiday Party

Holiday Party! At the U of U, great venue, views over downtown and the Salt Lake valley on one side, and of the football field on the other. Good food, drinks and conversations. Here's some fun pics.

Lynette grooving:
Tina smiling:
Michelle and Erin talking shop:
Matt and Mandy, our soon to be neighbours(ish):
And since no one took a photo of me, here's a nice view of my chin (look I'm wearing a tie). I believe that is Michelle's nostril in the corner.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Iron and Wine

Iron & Wine, supported by Arthur and Yu
Venue: The Great Salt Air, Magna, Utah
Date: December 7th, 2007
Pretty good show, he had a rough voice, but really it was hard to tell with this kind of music. The snow storm that came in during the show made for an interesting drive home (20mph in the 75 zone), but good night overall. 

Saturday, December 01, 2007

San Jose

Quick 4 day trip to San Jose. Did some work here:

Then drove up here:

Visited Licks Observatory's, however it was a little cold and foggy, so no photos. I did see this nice tree:
Then returned home to my Jetta. There was no snow when i left Salt Lake!