Friday, May 09, 2008

David Ford

Amazing show at the the Avalon Theatre. Saw David Ford supporting a bunch of bands( Wild Sweet Orange, Mesa Drive and Augustana). His set was waaaaay too short- 30 minutes- Bah!. So James & I went up to him and asked why he doesn't do his own shows and I guess he has to for the mean time ( record company bullshite). Being the eternal groupies we said he could play for us only!!! He giggled and signed my CD. aaaagh... Everyone buy a copy of his albums- " I Sincerely Apologise for all the Trouble I have caused " and "Songs for the Road" -seriously some of the best albums of I have heard in the last few years.

Oh and I am unimpressed with Augustana- way too pretty for me but want to buy the Avalon Theatre.

I love Salt lake City for the cheap music and brushes with talented musos.

My signed copy of Songs for The Road