Sunday, September 07, 2008

From The Mouths of Smart Theatre babes

So I was chatting with the kids at theatre. I get asked all sorts of questions about religion esp as most of them are LDS. As i don't subscribe to any faith except belief in simple things and nature, it's tough playing the straight line without upsetting many, many parents. This one is gold.

LDS Little person: So I think my bishop is seriously demented
Me: And why is that?
LDS Little Person: Because he says there are three paths for a woman
Me ( getting riled up but maintaining an interested and compassionate demeanor) And what would they be?
LDS Little Person: Death, Getting pregnant and having an eternal marriage
Me: I think you should talk to your parents
LDS Little Person: Well, I still think he's a weirdo

Monday, September 01, 2008


Michelle is back in action as the Fairy Godmother @ the Phoenix Theatre, SLC. Details for the show here and here.