Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Holidays from Utah

Well here's a quick note to let the world know about the ongoing adventures of James and Michelle. It's been an eventful year with 2008 proving to be a right pain in the butt type of year. But what kills us only makes us stronger and here's looking to a stress- free, uneventful 2009.

We started the year with Michelle's employer telling her that in the grand scheme of things her quaint, homely branch was not making the bank any money. Whoo Hoo WaMu- was taken over by JP Morgan Chase in September. Michelle in the meantime whistle blew on her boss- making things awkward at work and then subsequently got his job.

On the theatre front - Michelle stayed away from the Academy but was lured back in with the promise of doing her first musical- Annie. She belted out All that Jazz in her audition and scored the role of Lily, however only to be told that because it was touring on Broadway- the little theatre was unable to play it. So out came Cinderella- and Michelle had the most fun to date in a role as the Fairy Godmother. She then reprised her role as Jadis in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. This was cut short by a blow to the head from a steel pole and then had seizures which ended her run.

James had a mediocre year. He took on more staff in far flung places and thus more international trips- including his first trip to Europe ( Berlin and Dublin). This apparently made him a senior according to his new title. Funny, i dont feel all that old. 2nd half of the year saw eBay tighten the belt pretty hard, let go a bunch of great people and cut fun things like travel and xmas parties. 2009 is looking much better.

In his spare time James wrote new music and learnt to ski. He also bought his first set of skis and is looking forward to tackling the slopes at the Canyons with his partners in Ski Crime- Jaci and Dane. Golf was a weekly thang for M & J. James maintained his handicap of 4 this year. He even had a couple of even par rounds but has yet to defeat the course.

James and Michelle plan to spend more time travelling in 2009 and plan on visiting Australia's sunny shores in February.

Big hugs to you and yours this holiday season
With Love Michelle and James xoxoxo

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Michelle the crack head

We spent the other night in emergency. Michelle had good intentions and moved a bunch of kids at theatre away from a suspiciously placed pole, only to have it fall on her head. She's fine now, staples are gone as of today!