Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How to write off a Volkswagen Jetta 2002 1.8T

Driving back from Moab, just east Green River, Utah. Sudden change from road to ice from a spring storm, going around a bend, car goes sideways, hits the side and flips a few times.

Thought process:
- what is that?
- oh crap, it's ice
- driving fast on ice is silly, some drivers should be more careful
- wait, i'm driving, this is really really dangerous
- why am i going sideways?
- we're going to have an accident, i wonder what it'll be like, interesting
- having an accident will suck, stupid insurance, i like this car, grrr
- this might be serious, shit
- give up trying to control the car due to the angle of car direction and car alignment to road direction
- 'i love you'
- loud noise, take out a few bushes
- hold head in, make sure it doesn't touch the roof, spinning
- my face is full of dirt
- everything stops
- 'warning sign' by coldplay continues to play on the radio, creepy
- are you ok? yes, yes. seriously ok? yes.
- why are we not injured? oh well
- how do we get out of here?
- crawl out back door after getting the keys (cause someone might steal an upside down car you see....)

Call 911, nice people stop and see if we're ok, police come, take the report (i'm not cited which is nice, it's technically a no fault accident), tow truck guy comes and has a lot of trouble, gives us a lift to Green River while telling us his brother flips his car all the time and saves money on new tyres in the process, we have lunch and wait for the Greyhound bus to take us back to SLC, see a drug bust, get back to SLC, cab from bus depot home with a dodgy looking cab driver who had his mate in the front seat, go to sleep and wonder what just happened.

Photos, car was write off.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sabbatical - Moab

2nd big part of this sabbatical was Moab - realized Michelle had a few extra days off work, so we left. Spent a lot of time in Arches (2nd time), Corona Arch, Negro Bill Canyon, and we even found this highly advanced 'metal viewing cylinder' (photo below), i kid you not, it's called a metal viewing cylinder - to the rest of us it's a piece of pipe. Anyway ...

Unfortunately, on the way home, we flipped the jetta on some ice on the I-70. We both walked away from this with absolutely no injuries. Currently waiting for insurance to tell me it's a write off.

Sabbatical - Australia

Every 5 years, i get a sabbatical from work (4 weeks paid holidays). First two weeks were spent in Australia, doing such fun things as:

- family meals/events
- boating on Pittwater
- many many beaches
- bush walks
- catch up with many friends
- taking the kids to school
- Forster
- Melbourne (stayed @ Richmond & saw Black Mountain @ The Corner Hotel)
- eating and drinking way too much, every single night.