Saturday, June 27, 2009

Portland, Oregon

Long weekend means quick trip to a new west coast city! This closed out the mainland-west coast-proper city tour, we've now been to the major ones in California, Oregon and Washington. We need to get to Alaska, then figure out how to see the Pacific from completely new angles - like South America and Asia.

Portland, awesome, smallish, best walking neighbourhoods i've ever seen, great food, great bars, great weather (pics make it look more overcast than it was), greater river waterfront, and has that near the ocean vibe which we so miss here in Utah. Not very touristy. We'd live there in a second if an opportunity came up. Day trip to Sea Side and Cannon Beach. Recommended!

Why so serious?
Michelle with beer and water at a pub.
Cannon Beach.
James, and yes, i am aware of what the sign says.
Powell's Books, lots of books, seriously.
Yes, we were in Oregon.
Random purple octopus.