Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cancun, Mexico

• Cancun with Dane & Jaci.
• First time ever in Georgia, even if being in transit doesn't count towards the number of states i've been to.
• First time ever in Atlanta, huge airport, need to take a train to get to the next terminal. So excited, i saw planes flying to Madrid, Lima and Cleveland, mmmm Cleveland.
• Sit down for lunch at the airport, order a beer, server asks 'would you like a shot with that?'. Shocked looks ensue, we have been in Utah too long.
• Arrive in Cancun, feels like 38 degrees and 120% humidity, order what would be the first of many margaritas. Stay at the Hilton.

• Breakfast at the golf course, sign says something like 'look out for crocodiles on the course, especially now since they're currently giving birth'

• Mojitos, Margaritas, beers and a coco loco at the pool bar (in a coconut!)

• Beer is better when served in a bucket of ice

• Dinner in downtown Cancun, unsurprisingly chose the place that didn't hound us for their business as we walked down the street. The staff put big hats on us, were probably laughing at us, stupid tourists.

• Bus drivers in Cancun are scarily similar to drivers in Richmond, BC, Canada.
• Lost sunglasses in the Caribbean Ocean. Twice.
• Mexican highways have speed bumps! Sure way to slow you down.
• Iguanas are cool. Always. Even the 700th one we saw was awesome.

• Tulum = lots of interesting ruins, and another 10% humidity above Cancun

• Xel-Ha is awesome, go there.

• Free alcohol does not mean drunken debauchery, Utah take note. Xel-Ha had free everything all day for the 1000 people there, free alcohol + hot sun + water = not one person was even close to drunk, or drowning.
• Dinner at the fancy restaurant was highlighted by the couple next to us that spent 30 minutes with the guy taking photos of the girl. Then moved to the pool for more photos. Weird.
• I saw both boobs and butt, but on different people. Maybe spring break time would be different.
• Mmmm, Tequila.

• Americans take note - siestas are good, the metric system is logical, Celsius is a perfectly acceptable temperature measure and the United States of Mexico is a generally happier place than Estados Unidos.
• Ohio people suck. Flew back via Cincinnati (new state, new city), security there are just painful smart arses that knew we were in a hurry, yet wasted 10 minutes of our time telling us we were security risks with a smirk on their faces. Who cares in our bag was checked under Dane's name, if we were security risks we wouldn't be telling you the story in the first place, i'd be far more discreet and normal looking.
• Mojitos on the plane are good.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Birthday 2009

July 18 @ Fiddler's Elbow in Sugar House, Salt Lake City.

James & Michelle
Erin & Tina
Eric & Casey
Toni & Jeff
Kim & David
Michelle, Chris & Jeremy
Chris & Heidi
James, Tina, Mapu & Eric
The table

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekend of Golf - 1st time under par

A normal golfing weekend started pretty average, with an 82 on Saturday at Wingpointe.

We then foolishly booked a 6.30am tee time for Sunday at Bonneville. Turned out to be a very good idea! Shot a 1 under 71 off the stick.

First game under par ever. Have been playing for 20 years, handicap never better than 4 (currently 5), had a few chances with 72s at Glendale and Rose Park (both in SLC), 73 at Kellyville (Sydney), but this was the first time actually under par.