Wednesday, June 30, 2010

San Francisco

Last minute trip to San Fran, staying downtown and visiting the stubhub office. Meetings went well I think! Also did 7 mile run around the peninsula, not quite all the way to the bridge. Interesting town, feels like Sydney. Busy.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Jane Eyre & Dad's Visit

Dad visited in late June, we had a great time at Snowbird for Father's Day, lounging by the pool, and seeing Michelle star in Jane Eyre the Musical! Enjoyable show, very professional (as professional if not more professional than the most professional play i've seen in Utah). Those many many weeks of Michelle singing at home paid off. In other news, she has quit her job at the bank and is 10,000x happier. Excellent.

Dad decided to get the biggest beer on the menu.
Galloping up to the drive...
After the show.
Top of Snowbird. It was cold!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Oil spill in Liberty Park

Still cleaning up after a Chevron pipe burst. No birds, too quiet. Sad for SLC.