Monday, May 30, 2011

Final countdown

So James and I have been here for nearly two months. Repatriation can be a bitch- especially since we have been away for nearly six years. My nesting instinct kicked in full bore and started renovating 4 weeks ago. So grateful that the company James works for have put us up in a fab little apartment with sweeping views across Sydney. Sydney has changed. Its a little meaner, people eat like pooh and smoke waaaay to much. But still great to be near family especially with Baby Mac due anytime in the next few weeks. The australian health care system rocks- universal health care works. I am in the doctors clinic because of my epilepsy but i appreciate the extra time and care they afford me.

I feel like it's time to slow down in anticipation for crazy times ahead. But I like crazy- so looking forward to the next rollercoaster ride.