Saturday, July 20, 2002

good afternoon all, We now have a combined age of 53 and hence moving into old age!! we have a new game called rocks and rats. at dusk near our home, there are train lines which transport grain, an absolute feast for the vermin, so we have become vicious and throw rocks at the them.Thinking about getting a BB gun (or potato gun). Please no emails about cruelty to animals and stuff. Its 100 points for a direct hit, plus it is in self defence! Don't worry, we have none of the pests in our farmhouse.

Have been exploring the numerous trails around Lulu Island and spotted a beaver near home in the the north arm of the Fraser. We are of to an over 40's International Cricket Tournament at Stanley Park today. Hoping to see Carl Rackemann hehehe. Maybe get a chance to have a hit if possible.

Thanks to all for the birthday wishes.
Love Michelle and james

Monday, July 08, 2002

Morning everyone. Since the last post, we have had a few interesting things happen to us. But before i get to that, we have something much more interesting to tell you. We saw a SEAL. It was just swimming through the harbour, does anyone know what sort of bait you need to catch a seal?? i reckon it'd look cool back in the pool at home.

Ok, we both have jobs now. We are working for Princess Cruises (the ones that go to Alaska). It was a 3 minute interview, then we were sent out back to get fitted for our uniforms. Weird. It was 2 days a week, but after one day, we dropped Mondays. Basically, we get people on and off the oversized tug boats, be polite to them, convince them that they are special, help with immigration, security, crowd control .. the whole lot. Sounds good eh? then comes the downside. $8 an hour. That is no typo, Apparently it's legal to hire someone over here for that much money. Oh yeah, and it's 11 hour days .... with ONE 15 minute break. Again .. this is apparently legal. So after our first day at work, we both nearly quit in digust, but will still work till we find other jobs.

On our way back from the interview, we nearly DIED!!!! well, we were in a bus crash. actually, the bus was ok, but i think some kid is going to be killed by his parents when they find out he wrote off their brand new BMW. So that was interesting. Lucky for us it crashed at our stop, so we just walked off the bus and home.

And some background news on our shack in richmond. The Trailer trash moved out into a trailer, so it's alot quieter now. The bad thing is that the landlord appears to have moved in downstairs. Now i'm not sure what the laws are here, but in australia a landlord has to give 2 days notice that they're coming over ... this woman just turns up and knocks on the door and yells at you. It's quite funny actually. She also has had a truckful of garbage in her car for the last week, i think she may also be of the trailer clan. Our little house used to be a ... how would you say ... pot house. The reason why downstairs was so damp, is because hydroponics ned alot of moisture (funny that). We thought it was funny, but our flatmate Wally gets annoyed cause the cops seem to think he was involved and follow him around.

I think that's all the news for now. Keep on emailing us, we really appreciate it. Apparently there is a phone card out there that lets you call canada for 8c a minute, even to mobiles with no connection fee. all aussies ... go get one and give us a call!

Take care now eh?

James - using michelle's login.

Tuesday, July 02, 2002

Hello everyone,

Yesterday was Canada Day and joined in the local festivities. We are blending in well with the natives eh! Felt sooo patriotic and glad to be part of this great nation ! The maple leaf is really a good icon. You can wear it and not look like a fool. Imagine wearing the Aussie flag.. I think not.
Also just a quick Happy Birthday and Congratulations to the following people for the folowing week(apologies if I have missed anyone-going of my memory here).
29th HB Jasper -the kelpie
29th HB Laraine - don't have your email address so if anyone does...
29th Radji and Tamara- hope your big day went really well. we had a moments silence to commemorate your wedding.
1st Happy birthday Canada
3rd HB Cameron- hope Manchester is treating you well.
4th HB Aunt Sherine -Have a good day
4th HB Andrew C when is Harry Potter coming out (I want to meet Kenneth Branagh -I think he's in it...)
6th HB Aunty Joyce- 79 and still spritely.
7th HB RYan - get that grant so you can come visit

other news.We walked 16kms yesterday to an intertidal region called Iona beach. James thinks he's hot because two girls pinched his butt last night. Never seen him grin so much.

Lots of Love
M + J