Saturday, July 20, 2002

good afternoon all, We now have a combined age of 53 and hence moving into old age!! we have a new game called rocks and rats. at dusk near our home, there are train lines which transport grain, an absolute feast for the vermin, so we have become vicious and throw rocks at the them.Thinking about getting a BB gun (or potato gun). Please no emails about cruelty to animals and stuff. Its 100 points for a direct hit, plus it is in self defence! Don't worry, we have none of the pests in our farmhouse.

Have been exploring the numerous trails around Lulu Island and spotted a beaver near home in the the north arm of the Fraser. We are of to an over 40's International Cricket Tournament at Stanley Park today. Hoping to see Carl Rackemann hehehe. Maybe get a chance to have a hit if possible.

Thanks to all for the birthday wishes.
Love Michelle and james

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