Saturday, September 02, 2006

Saturday, July 29, 2006

New addition to the family

Paikea, meet everyone. Everyone, meet Paikea.

We also spent a fun day at the Utah Olympic Park for our birthday's, which included a bobsled ride!

People actually jump off this.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Amusing note left on a car parked inappropriately

Dear car owner,

This is not a parking space. If you do not move your car within 24 hours, Tim from the Westminster College basketball team will shit in your radiator.

Yours Sincerely,
****** Schoolhouse Management

p.s. tittyballs

Monday, May 29, 2006

Back from the Spiral Jetty

Just back from the Spiral Jetty at the north end of the Great Salt Lake (about 90 minutes north of SLC). We were sucked in by pictures such as this:

and this:

We had a great time exploring the countryside, although our photos turned out a little more modest:

Still, we couldn't keep some of the locals out of the action.

Also stumbled across the place where the east & west railroads met up.

Fun time was had by all!

Friday, May 19, 2006

We saw Gomez last night in Park City ...

So for $15 dollars I got...
-See Gomez live on stage
-See Gomez live on stage with only 300 other people
-See Gomez live on stage with only 300 other people whilst I was standing against the stage at the front
-See Gomez live on stage with only 300 other people whilst I was standing against the stage at the front with no security between me and the band
-See Gomez live on stage with only 300 other people whilst I was standing against the stage at the front with no security between me and the band and banter back and forth with them
-See Gomez live on stage with only 300 other people whilst I was standing against the stage at the front with no security between me and the band and banter back and forth with them and got myself a set list
-See Gomez live on stage with only 300 other people whilst I was standing against the stage at the front with no security between me and the band and banter back and forth with them and got myself a set list and a guitar pick
-See Gomez live on stage with only 300 other people whilst I was standing against the stage at the front with no security between me and the band and banter back and forth with them and got myself a set list and a guitar pick and was able to drive home within 15 minutes (no hour long commutes!)

Not too foul a night! A mate in Australia said the following in response to the cheap tix and the fact we saw our fave band:

I hate you. Please die.


Your jealous friend. "

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon Pics

Pretty amazing photos from our weekend at Bryce Canyon National Park.

Sunday, April 30, 2006


Bingham Canyon mine is the largest man-made excavation on earth. We took a visit on Saturday.

This is what it looks like from above:,-112.135048&spn=0.115347,0.2314&t=k&om=1

We can see this place from our apartment. It's huge!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Magician's Nephew

If you want to see Michelle in action, she's performing in the Magician's Nephew at the Academy of Performing Arts, SLC. She plays Aunt Lettie, and has really big hair in it. Oh, and she's really good.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Lava Hot Springs

Hi There,

Having an interesting time in Salt Lake City, that is ,when I am not hounded by Mormons, asked when I am going to have children or censored in public. Currently acting in a production of The Magician's Nephew ( the prequel to the The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe). My character is Aunt Letty (a very proper Victorian English lady) and have a brief appearance as one of the Royalty of Charn. I am loving this and could do it full-time if finances permitted it. It truly is a love job.

James and I went to Lava Hot Springs, Idaho. Being landlocked, we are close to a few Western states that are all within a few hours drive away. Lava Hot Springs was sweet, but we couldn't bring ourselves to share the crowded springs with obese yanks. Idaho is where Utahns go to buy their lottery tickets as gambling is banned due to the LDS Church influence.

Not much news apart from that. Love Michelle

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Pics from our trip to Wyoming

We drove 80 miles to the next state to buy full strength beer. In the meantime, we saw a heck of a lot of snow, as well as cowboys, complete with blue jeans and hats - indoors.

Here's also some pics from our wedding & random Utah scenery.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

g'day from salt lake city

Through some very strange twist of fate, we are now living in salt lake city. we're married (as of 1st October), we moved back to Sydney, then back to Vancouver, then back to Sydney before landing here. Long story.