Sunday, August 03, 2008

San Diego

5 days in San Diego by the beach! Went with Jaci & Dane, rented a house by the ocean and enjoyed the humidity and bearable heat. San Diego Zoo, Seaworld (complete with it's own deity - Shamu), ocean kayaking, swimming, bbq, sleeping in ... southern California was very very nice :)

The sharks were hungry:

The frogs were bright:
Got a little wet:
A few times actually...this is pilot whale spit:
We were confused when someone from the crowd went onstage under the guise of a 'walrus', but hey... the otter was cute. Best bit was when the otter came out with a can of pepsi.

Mich forked out the big bucks for a foot massage:While i pondered maps:
Coming home to this made it all worthwhile. The roof was a balcony/bbq area with a nice view of the ocean & sunset.
Can't ask for a better holiday! Thanks guys, same time next year.

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