Thursday, November 18, 2010

1st Ultrasound

9 weeks 6 days in ... 1st ultrasound. Michelle has joined a research study at LDS hospital, which means more prodding and free ultrasounds. It's 4cm, equivalent to 11 weeks at this point. So now we have seen it, and heard it, i guess it must be real :)

Baby mac's house

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


There's a heartbeat. There's something GROWING inside Michelle. All healthy and normal at this stage. One heartbeat could be heard, not bad for 10 weeks. All of sudden this feels real.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

St George and Snow Canyon Half Marathon

1 year after the first half marathon, thought i should go back and do it again! Snow Canyon Half Marathon, St George, Utah, slightly different course, faster, no annoying trail section and 1150 people. Beautiful day, started running at sunrise and finished in 1 hour 34 minutes - that's 20 minutes faster than last year! 15 minutes faster than my previous best set in January. Stats are here (official times) and here (slowgeek). We spent some time exploring Snow Canyon as well, such a beautiful part of the world. If it was near the ocean i'd live there in an instant. Next stop Seattle Marathon at the end of the month.

Exploring Snow Canyon.

Thumbs up.
Battle scar.

Friday, November 05, 2010

A Question of Religion...

So since becoming pregnant, one of the nightmares I have had is what role will religion have in my kid's life. I was brought up Church Of England, went to a Catholic school, but after much questioning since I was 10, am now atheist. I remember as a kid, the only thing I liked about going to church was the choir and my grandma's singing. The priest's costume was pretty cool too.

I found this article by Malcolm Knox.

It's a common sensicle approach and I believe that my kid should be exposed to everything and then make up it's own mind in relation to this matter. Much like I did.

We'll see what happens when this all comes to fruition.