Tuesday, June 18, 2002

Another day, another change of plans.

We move back into wally's place in richmond in a few days. it's the cheapest, and there's a bus line direct to the city from there. Don't be decieved if you're coming to Vancouver. Vancouver DOWNTOWN is quite small, the suburb called VANCOUVER is as big as sydney city to HOMEBUSH, so dont think you can just walk downtown from the hotel. We have knocked richmond in the past, but it's quite practical, we;re going to take a different room though, one without birds in the window, maybe earplugs. This time we wont be jetlagged, so who knows? We might enjoy this place. Wally likes games workshop, so we should get on fine :)

Animals we forgot to mention or need updating.

SKUNK, again, roadkill, we didn't stop to give it a good smell.
BEAR, this was a baby one on the side of the road at whistler. again, we didn;t stop because there are warnings everywhere saying beware the bear.

Have a nice day. Give us a call if you want to. We're 7 hours ahead of sydney, less a day.

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