Thursday, June 06, 2002

Hi all. We're in canada.

the flight was long. and bumpy. honolulu was damn hot, even at midnight, but it was nice having a break from the flight. We arrived at 9am and was picked up a few hours later by david. We've just been trying to orientate ourselves at the moment, it's a bt hard without a car, and we still haven't had a chance to go 'downtown'. where we live ./.... hmm. michelle keeps singing 'in the ghetto....', which isn't too far off the truth. richmond turns out to be an industrial area, the planes are quiet but the trucks aren;t, nor are the pigeons in the roof. we haven't really met wally singh yet cause he's been out, but he seems nice. we want to come home .. get me out of her e.... no wait. we're having fun. kinda. we have a bank account with bank of montreal, our SIN card applications are in. we are 1/2 hour from downtown, the maps are deceptive here, which is a pain. we;re thinking about ditching work and just travelling around and coming home a little sooner than 12 months. vancouver is like hong kong and new delhi at the same time, t's a 30 minute walk to the shops. we dont really know what to say, we're not having fun yet, but we haven't really had a chance to. we might go to the mountains later this week, we can see snow on the top, there are good views everywhere when it's not raining! dont worry about us, we're looking after each other. we dont have a telephone, and thi internet cafe is 30 minute walk, so this will be the best way to contact us for now. we might get a cellular phone so we can actually be contacted. dont call the number we gave you because that's wall's personal cell phone. so yeah. hope all is gong well down under, we miss it already, speak to you soon!

love james+michelle

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